Share the Sub | Frequently Asked Questions
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Share the Sub | Frequently Asked Questions

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Article summary

1. What is Share the Sub?🤔

Share the Sub allows users to subscribe to streaming services by sharing the subscriptions at a fraction of the cost.

2. How does it work?

By sharing the subscription with other subscribers to minimize the cost of the plan, we make it affordable for individuals!

For example, Netflix allows up to a maximum of 4 simultaneous streaming/users/downloads, we allow the subscription to be co-shared with 4 subscribers via Share the Sub.

3. Sounds great! How can I subscribe?

  • Browse through our catalog for the subscriptions available
  • Click Subscribe
  • Checkout from Cart (and apply promo code or referral code)
  • Make payment
  • Enjoy your subscription at a fraction of the cost!

4. What if I have issues accessing the subscription service? 😯

Contact us via Telegram or WhatsApp with your details.

  • Name
  • Order ID
  • Service subscribed to
  • Issue (e.g. unable to login)
Please take note:
  • You will need to renew your subscription within the last 3 days of your service. Otherwise, account information may be reset on the final day of your subscription.

5. I want to subscribe to (insert subscription name) but I can't find it on your website!

Please contact us and we will review the subscription and if possible, add it to our catalog!

Yes, family/group subscription plans are made for that purpose.

Although they have a higher price compared to basic plans, it allows users to share access to products and services in a group, provided that the terms of use are respected.

7. What is the restricted (rated movies and TV shows) content PIN?

There is no PIN set for restricted content. However, in the event that it is required: